Chapter 232 - Rebel Army

The many clan elders of the white lotus had already left, and only the Infernal Queen and Song Qingyao were left in the room!

Infernal Queen opened the window wide, the moon shone brightly outside and anxiety could be seen on her face.

"Master, Martial Uncle Zhong is very ambitious. I don't think he's a good person! We can't let him form a coalition! " Song Qingyao was still dressed in men's clothes, she had an elegant demeanor, and spoke up.

"I have no other choice!" Although I am well versed in martial arts, I do not have the ability to lead the troops! This time, we will have to rely on him to take over the Chuan Shu! " Infernal Queen said.

"Master, I think this time's incident has failed!" The Imperial Court used us white lotus to commit evil deeds, and pushed all of our sins onto our white lotus, we are unable to defend ourselves! In disciple's opinion, it would be better for us to leave Chuan Shu and not go against the imperial government! " Song Qingyao thought for a while and suddenly said.

"How can you think like that?" Infernal Queen was in disbelief as she turned her head to look at Song Qingyao, who slowly lowered his head!

"When did you ever think of that? I remember that you've never said anything like that before! " Infernal Queen asked.

"Disciple only feels that this matter is difficult, the imperial government is extremely powerful and difficult to deal with! And Elder Zhong is so ambitious, he really doesn't want Master to continue walking in this mud anymore! " Song Qingyao said.

"Do you think I can just withdraw if I want to? Even if I withdraw, your Martial Uncle Zhong will not withdraw. He might really benefit in the end! I will use him now, and get rid of him after our Sister Bai Lian takes over the Chuan Shu! You don't have to worry! " Infernal Queen said.

"In the future, even if we succeed in our cause, it would be impossible for us to get rid of Martial Uncle Zhong!" Song Qingyao shook her head.

"I have my own plans for such a major event!" Don't say too much! " Infernal Queen said.

Song Qingyao stood by Infernal Queen's side feeling helpless! She had thought that she could persuade her master to end the rebellion in white lotus and help Zhao Chen in the dark. Who knew that her master wouldn't listen to her orders?

At this moment, Elder Zhong and "Senior Yang" were walking outside and discussing about military matters!

"Master, congratulations on being able to control the army this time! Before long, we can truly take over the Chuan Shu! " Senior brother Yang said excitedly.

"That's right!" Infernal Queen is just a girl, it's not that I'm looking down on her, she's just too short-sighted! It had already been a month, and so many things had happened in so many places, but she didn't even know about them! As early as on the day of the incident, they should have led the allied armies of the Mianyang and Guangyuan to the south, to occupy the entire Chuan Shu! Now, the Imperial Court has made use of this incident to create chaos, causing the people of various places to lose their hearts, even if we take over the Chuan Shu, it will be difficult for us to rule over them! " Elder Zhong said.

"The methods of the imperial government are indeed brilliant. This disciple is rather impressed as well!" However, disciple believes that master, your methods are more wise. Once we take over the Chuan Shu, we will have plenty of ways to pacify the people! " "Senior brother Yang."

"Of course, I have all kinds of methods! Let's go and form a coalition right now! " Elder Zhong said.

"Master, it's too late now …" "Senior brother Yang," replied.

"I forgot about that! Tomorrow morning, we will immediately form a coalition! " Elder Zhong said.

"Alright!" Senior Yang nodded!

Immediately after Elder Zhong left, "Senior Yang" thought for a while and then returned!

He waited there for a short while before Song Qingyao came out of her room alone!

"Junior Sister Song!" Seeing Song Qingyao coming out, his face revealed an excited smile, and she immediately went forward to welcome him.

"Senior Yang, why are you still here?" Song Qingyao said in surprise.

"Junior Sister Song, we will soon form a united army! In a few days, we will head south together to suppress the imperial government! What do you think? " "Senior brother Yang" looked at Song Qingyao with eyes that were burning with passion.

"Qingyao has never been interested in this kind of thing!" Senior Brother, you go! " Song Qingyao said indifferently.

"Junior Sister, this is a big matter of the school, you should go!" Senior Yang said.

"I'm sorry! The affairs of the Church have nothing to do with me! " Song Qingyao said coldly.

"But you are the young school head?" Senior Yang said.

"That has nothing to do with me! I'll take my leave! " Song Qingyao coldly snorted, and flew off into the distance!

Senior Brother Yang looked at Song Qingyao's back figure in a daze, his eyes still burning with passion!

"In the end, the Junior Sister Song is still just a woman! This time, Master is organizing a coalition. First, we occupy the Chuan Shu, and then we occupy the whole world! Master will definitely become an emperor in the future. He has no nephew, only a disciple! In a hundred years, I will inherit the position of master, and will also become an emperor! Junior Sister Song, when that time comes, you will be my, Yang Me's, Queen! I won't let you off! You will eventually belong to me! " he muttered to herself.

So his name was actually "Yang Me!"

If Zhao Chen was here, he would definitely be shocked upon hearing this name!

In the Southern Song Dynasty, the most famous peasant uprising was the "Zhong Xiang uprising". There were two main characters, one was called Zhong Xiang, and the other was Yang Me! According to the records of Song Dynasty, Zhong Xiang was organizing a united army in the Dongting Lake! At that time, the world was in chaos, the Dongting Lake was in an invasion, and then there was a drought. Under these circumstances, Zhong Xiang first used the name of the white lotus to treat the common people, and used this to preach! After that, Zhong Xiang and Yang Me started an uprising! Yue Fei relied on the annihilation of Zhong Xiang's uprising to gain the attention of the imperial government, and became a general of the imperial court!

However, history had changed now. The rebellion of the white lotus took place in Sichuan, and the two of them also came to Sichuan! Originally, in the history of Sichuan, there was no peasant revolt, and the local gentry was very powerful, they did not have the qualifications to start a peasant revolt! However, history had changed now. Zhao Chen was promoting Rent reduction order s in Guan Shan, Middle Han Area and the Northwest region, and he wanted to push Rent reduction order s all the way to Sichuan. So when the gentry and the other white lotus s joined forces, this time, there would be chaos in Sichuan!

If there were no Rent reduction order, then the current Sichuan Province would be the same as it was in history. Although it was not very stable, those gentry s would not easily rebel against the imperial government! After all, rebellion had its head cut off!

He was Yang Me, and the forty-year-old Elder Zhong was Zhong Xiang!

When it was the morning of the second day, before the sky brightened, Yang Me had already gone to find Zhong Xiang!

The two of them were discussing about organizing the rebel army!

"Master, there are a lot of people around Mianyang and Guangyuan City, but I really don't know what to do if I want to form a united army." Yang Me said.

"That's easy. We use an elder as the leader of a troop, and the troops can be divided into ten divisions, and the Altar Master as the leader, and the Vice Division can be divided into ten battalions, with the Vice Masters as the leaders!" Let the elders, the altars, and the members of the Vice Hallmaster's Guild form a great army! " Zhong Xiang said.

"Master is really smart!" Disciple is truly impressed! " Yang Me said, stunned.

He had initially thought that this would be an exceptionally difficult matter, but he hadn't thought that his master would be able to solve this problem so easily!

"I also borrowed the's little emperor's idea. He took the initiative to create a military system such as a commander, commander, battalion commander, and so on! I have to admit that Emperor Xuanwu is a talent! There was no distinction between the military and the military. However, after the introduction of the new military system, the fighting strength of the Song Dynasty's army had greatly increased! Master has also researched this little emperor of the Xuanwu all these years, he is indeed our great enemy! Furthermore, I feel that the military's conspiracy this time is related to the Emperor Xuanwu! It might be a plan formulated by the Emperor Xuanwu! " Zhong Xiang said.

"AHH!" The little emperor of the Xuanwu is actually this powerful? " Yang Me was in disbelief.

"No matter how strong he is, he is still a young man. Moreover, he is in Guan Shan, and I am in Chuan Shu. He is definitely not a match for me!" Zhong Xiang laughed.

"Master is right!" Yang Me nodded!

Towards his own master, Yang Me had always been full of admiration. He didn't think that there was anyone in this world that could compare to his master!

"Alright!" Immediately go and handle this matter! I want to see the army formed within ten days! I want to lead the army and invade Chengdu, the Yuzhou and other places! " Zhong Xiang said.

Yang Me nodded, and immediately executed his master's orders!

First, he called upon the elders to get anxious, and had them gather the altar lords, and then the altar masters, and the altar masters, and then the common people!

Initially, he thought that with his teacher's guidance, the matter should be relatively simple! However, when it came to the actual implementation, he realized that things were still exceptionally difficult!

The ancient peasant insurgents were formed only because the peasants could not live on. They could not survive without food or water, so they followed the leaders of the peasant uprising to attack the city and seek food! On one hand, there were people who were trying to bewitch the rebel army, but in essence, it was because they could not live any longer, so they had no choice but to rebel! However, this was not the case for the Mianyang and Guangyuan. The citizens here did not cause trouble because they could not live, but purely because of the and the bewitchment of the local gentry!

These citizens had parents and wives, families and businesses. How could the citizens agree if they were to abandon their homes and follow them into the war? Even the gentry s who were the lieutenants and censors were not willing to join the so-called allied armies.

Three days had already passed and Yang Me had only formed twenty thousand strong army! These over twenty thousand people were mostly local thugs without any family background, so they joined the army with them!

"Master, there's some trouble now!" Yang Me found Zhong Xiang and told him about this!

"You are really stupid! First of all, they had to be rewarded with a huge amount of rewards! Give rewards to the Altar Masters, Aromatic Masters, and other members of the church. All of them will be rewarded! General, deputy general, Academy Officer, all of them were to be rewarded! He could even bestow the Prefect of Chengdu, the Prefect of Yuzhou, and some others to the church! If they want these things, they'll have to follow us into battle first! There were also those common commoners who were told to pay one hundred gold taels to each person once they had taken down Chengdu! This way, there will naturally be people joining the army! " Zhong Xiang said.

Yang Me was startled, and continued to nod his head! He never thought that there would be such a method!

Once again, Yang Me went to find the Altar Master, Vice Hallmaster and the leaders of the church, and gave them great rewards, instructing them to continue organizing their armies!

When it was the 25th of August, he had already formed one hundred and fifty thousand strong army!

After he told Zhong Xiang the news, Zhong Xiang was elated, and said: "Let's head south! A hundred and fifty thousand strong army was enough to take back the entire Chuan Shu! "When that time comes, I will be King Shu and you will be Crown Prince Shu!"

Yang Me was ecstatic, he immediately knelt and said: "Thank you Master! No, thank you, Your Highness! "Thank you, Emperor!"

Zhong Xiang laughed out loud, and said: "I am still not a prince, and even more so not an emperor! You can't call me that! "

Yang Me laughed: "This will happen sooner or later!"

Zhong Xiang smiled and nodded, saying: "You clever child! You will be the crown prince when I become the king!] You are interested in that little girl Song Qingyao. When that time comes, we will make the decision to betroth her to you! "

He was currently just a mere elder of a white lotus, yet he had actually begun to call her "We"! And Yang Me just laughed along!

"When that time comes, Infernal Queen will naturally be yours, Master!" After a while, Yang Me said!

"Hahahaha..." Zhong Xiang laughed crazily again!

"Master, let's set off!" Yang Me said.

"Good!" We will set off overnight and head for Chengdu! " Zhong Xiang said.

That night, Zhong Xiang led one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers to Chengdu in the south!

However, these allied armies had just organized themselves and their order was abnormally chaotic. Many people could not find their 'Vice Hallmaster' or 'Altar Master' there, so Mianyang City was in complete chaos tonight! There were also many allied armies that were originally ordinary citizens. Normally, they would have to rest and sleep at this time of the day. Now that they were being asked to march, how could they be willing?

Many of the soldiers were lying on the ground, unwilling to get up!

In the end, Zhong Xiang had no other choice but to let the allied army rest, and leave tomorrow morning!

On the morning of August 26th, one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers finally left Mianyang City and headed south!

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